Abba- The name that Jesus gave to God the Father that reveals the love and trust between God the Father and God the Son.
Adonai- The Hebrew word for "Lord" that the Jewish people us in place of YHWH the name for himself that God revealed to Moses.
Almighty- Having all power. Only God is Almighty.
attributes of God- Qualities of God that help us understand the mystery of God.
christ- a Greek work that translates the Hebrew word for 'messiah' which means annointed one.
Christ-a title for Jesus that helps us to understand that he is the Messiah who God promised to send to save his people.
eternal- always living without beginning or end
Gospel- the Good News of God's love revealed in the life, death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus.
Gospels-the first four books of the New Testament that pass on the faith of the Apostles and the early Church about the life, death, Resurrection, Ascension, and teachings of Jesus Christ.
Incarnation- from the Latin meaning "putting on flesh" to have a real body; the Son of God "putting on the flesh" or becoming human while retaining his divinity
inspiration of the Bible- The Holy Spirit guiding human writers of Sacred Scripture to faithfully and accurately communicate God's word.
Sacred Scripture- Two words the mean "holy writings" ; the writings that the Holy Spirit inspired the people of God to write and that have been collected by the Church in the Bible.
soul- The spiritual dimension of the human person that never dies, or is immortal