As promised, this is the scanned image of the handout from last week's class.
Remember, next week is an AT HOME LESSON. No classes on the parish campus ... that doesn't mean no faith learning!
We have been focusing on Eucharist and The Mass for two weeks. Your at home lesson should compliment that theme. Any way in which you study the Eucharist and The Mass as a family will enrich your faith - I have given you a few "assignments" to guide you:
Participate in Mass as a family!
1. Name 3 signs or symbols you will find during Mass - what do they signify?
2. Name 3 ways to prepare for Mass before even entering the church.
3. N~me the two main parts of the Mass
4. What is your explanation of Eucharist?
5. What is the part of the Mass called when Jesus is made present (no longer a symbol, but Jesus)
\6. What does the sign of the cross represent?
7. How many readings do we hear and where does each come from?
8. Name 3 ways you can PARTICIPATE in the Mass.
9. Describe some ways you can prepare to come forward during communion - how can you "ready" yourself to receive Jesus in the Eucharist?
10. Name 3 ways you can "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord" when Mass is over .
We will see you back on campus November 16th!