Monday, December 29, 2008

Classes Resume January 12th

Don't come to class today. Enjoy your Christmas break! See you in two weeks.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Classes for the Rest of December

This month we are working on a Jesse Tree for Advent.
Last week, we colored and laminated as many ornaments on the tree as possible.
Sandra is taking the rest home to have ready for our next class.

Remember- next week (December 8th) is an At-Home Lesson. The assigned chapter is Chapter 22. Please review this chapter with your family.

December 15th is our last class before Christmas. We are planning to do our Jesse Tree- parents are invited to stay and watch. We will have snacks and drinks- sort of making it a party.

The Jesse Tree is a wonderful tradition. It consists of a series of ornaments placed on bare branches. Each ornament depicts an event in salvation history- typically 40-50 ornaments. When the ornament is placed on the tree, the story of that ornament is told. This helps place Christ's birth in context. It is not just another holiday, it is the culmination of 4000 years of waiting, watching, and hoping.

Sue told me that she is sending copies of the Jesse Tree home with each family. I have a slightly different version with more kid-friendly ornaments and with a condensed Bible story on the back of each ornament. If you want a copy of this version, e-mail me and I'll bring it in on the 15th for you.

Be sure to come on the 15th. We are hoping that this will be a memorable experience for all of us.

Monday, November 17, 2008


This week we are doing Chapter 16.
For next week, your homework is to read Chapter 17.
See you in class!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Questions for At-Home Lesson on the Eucharist

As promised, this is the scanned image of the handout from last week's class.

Remember, next week is an AT HOME LESSON. No classes on the parish campus ... that doesn't mean no faith learning!

We have been focusing on Eucharist and The Mass for two weeks. Your at home lesson should compliment that theme. Any way in which you study the Eucharist and The Mass as a family will enrich your faith - I have given you a few "assignments" to guide you:


Participate in Mass as a family!

1. Name 3 signs or symbols you will find during Mass - what do they signify?

2. Name 3 ways to prepare for Mass before even entering the church.

3. N~me the two main parts of the Mass

4. What is your explanation of Eucharist?

5. What is the part of the Mass called when Jesus is made present (no longer a symbol, but Jesus)

\6. What does the sign of the cross represent?

7. How many readings do we hear and where does each come from?

8. Name 3 ways you can PARTICIPATE in the Mass.

9. Describe some ways you can prepare to come forward during communion - how can you "ready" yourself to receive Jesus in the Eucharist?

10. Name 3 ways you can "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord" when Mass is over .

We will see you back on campus November 16th!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lesson 9: The Eucharist and the Trinity

For next week, read Chapter 3. For those without books, review Sections 232-267 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Monday, October 27, 2008

Lesson 8: October 27th

Lesson 8: Many Gifts
31st Sunday Ordinary Time
Opening Prayer
Let us pray.
Thank you, God, for your promise of eternal life.
Help us to find signs of life and hope in all of creation.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.
Lighting of the Candle
Circle of the Church Year
Holidays This Week
October 31-Halloween: All Hallows Eve- the night before All Saints Day.
November 1-All Saints Day: The day we remember the saints- known and unknown- in heaven, on earth, and in purgatory (CCC 946-954)
November 2- All Souls Day: The day that the church prays for her dead loved ones in the hopes that they are with God in heaven.
Reading 1:
Wisdom 3:1-9
Study Questions
Where in creation do you see signs of life and hope?
What do you believe about life after death?
What do you imagine heaven is like?
Gospel: John 6:37-40
Questions for Reflection
• What has Jesus come from heaven to do?
• What does Jesus tell his listeners about the will of God?
• What will happen to those who believe in Jesus?
Saints of the Church
St. Katherine Drexel
Saints of the Church
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta continued
St. Augustine
St. Alyssa:
St. Miguel (Michael)
St. Stephen (Stefano) of Hungary
St. Alexis
St. Alexandra: Holy Princess
Saint Jane of Valois
St. Jessica
St. Nicholas
The lesson this week is on the Eucharist and the Mass. This will be the theme for the next three weeks.
We share one bread, one body. We are a communion of Saints. This week we celebrate the communion of Saints- joined by the same spirit in the same church. So this week, we will review chapter 9.
Chapter 9—Different Gifts, the Same Spirit
Questions for Reflection
Faith First® Legacy Edition Chapter Review, Grade 5
Charisms: Graces or gifts given by the Holy Spirit to build up the Church on earth for the good of all people and the needs of the world
Sacred Tradition: The passing on of the teachings of Christ through the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit
Sanctifying: A word that means making holy
Sanctifying Grace: The gift of God’s life and love that makes us holy and helps us live holy lives

End of Lesson
Vocabulary Game
Clean upBlow out the candle
Trade for prizes

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Lesson 7: Baptism and Confirmation

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time: The Greatest Commandment
Opening Prayer:
Let us pray.
Loving God,
You sent Jesus to show us how to love you and one another.
Help us to follow your greatest commandment.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.

Lighting of the Candle

Circle of the Church Year

Exodus 22:20-26
Questions for Reflection
Who are the people most in need?
How are widows and orphans to be treated?
How are strangers to be treated?
How are the poor to be treated?

Matthew 22:34-40
"Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?"
He said to him,
"You shall love the Lord, your God,
with all your heart,
with all your soul,
and with all your mind.
This is the greatest and the first commandment.
Matthew 22:34-40
The second is like it:
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments."
Questions for Reflection
What question is asked of Jesus?
How does Jesus reply?
What are the two parts of the greatest commandment?
Today we are going to discuss two sacraments that help us live out the Greatest Commandments: Baptism and Confirmation
Through them we are strengthened to go out into the world to love and help others as ourselves
Saint of the Day:
St. Maria Bertilla Boscardin
As a small child, she was poor and afraid.
Her father drank too much alcohol and became violent
People laughed at her.
When she grew up, she joined the Sisters of St. Dorothy.
There she found that nursing children who were very ill and afraid was her greatest calling.
When soldiers took over the hospital in WWI, she stayed with the children even when there were airplanes dropping bombs
She died of after suffering many years with a painful tumor.
When she became a saint some of the children she had nursed were able to be present.

Prayer of St. Maria

Faith First® Legacy Edition Chapter 12, Grade 5

Chapter 12: Vocabulary

The Sacrament of Christian initiation in which we are first joined in Jesus Christ, become members of the Church, are reborn as God’s adopted children, receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and original sin and our personal sins are forgiven

One of the three oils blessed by the Church for to use in the celebration of the liturgy

The Sacrament of Christian Initiation that strengthens the graces of Baptism and in which our new life in Christ is sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 12 Summary

Closing Prayer

For Next Week: Read Chapter 9. Note the Lesson will be The Eucharist Part I: All Saints and the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit. We will also cover page 125 in Chapter 14.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fifth Graders Really Want to Read Chapter 12 this week!

Read Chapter 12!

Those who were here last week know the new prize system we have now.

We have Christian toys as grab bag goodies- mazes, fans, yo-yos, necklaces, rings, stampers, fake tatoos- you name it!

Before we go through the chapter, I give the chapter review quiz (which you can take on

Every time you guess the correct answer, I give you a plastic Bible verse coin.

At the end of the class, you can turn the coins in for these great prizes.

So read the chapter- you do not want to miss out!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lesson 6: The Church

Monday, October 13, 2008

Chapter 10
Isaiah 45:1, 4-6
Matthew 22:15-21

Saint of the Day: St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

Opening Prayer
Let us pray.
O God, You are the one true God.
Help us to put You first before everything else.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

Lighting of the Candle.

Finding Sunday on the Circle of the Church Year.
Pass out Coloring Pages for readings.

Listening to the Word: Isaiah 25:6-10.
Moment of Silent Reflection.
Who does God grant power to defeat his enemies?
• How does God show love for the people of Israel?
• What important message about the Lord God is given to the people?
In the gospel today listen to how the Pharisees try to trap Jesus.
Read Matthew 22:15-21.
Allow for silence.
• How do the Pharisees try to trap Jesus?
• Why do they present Jesus with a coin?
• What does Jesus tell the Pharisees about God?

Dear Saint Margaret Mary,
Permitted by the Sacred Heart of Jesus to become a caretaker of its divine treasures, obtain for us we ask you, from that adorable Heart, all the graces we need. We ask for them with boundless confidence. May the Divine Heart be willing to grant them to us through your intercession so that once again He may, through you, be glorified and loved. Amen

Review Chapter 10
Opening Prayer
Faith Focus
Activity to be named
Chapter Review
Chapter Closing Prayer
Blow out candle
If time permits, we will play the vocabulary game

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lesson 5: The Holy Spirit

Monday, October 6, 2008
Please read Chapter 8 before this class.
Here are some links to help you prepare:
Readings for this class:
Isaiah 25:6-10
Matthew 22:1-14

Saint of the Day: St. Bruno

Faith First Chapter Activity

Faith First Chapter Review: Choose Chapter 8 Grade 5
Remember: E-mail your results to and win a prize!

Here are the vocabulary words for Chapter 8:
Advocate: Title or name for Holy Spirit which means, “one who is on our side” or “one who speaks for us”.
charisms: Graces or gifts given by the Holy Spirit to build up the Church on earth for the good of all people and the needs of the world.
evangelist: A word meaning “one who announces good news”.
Evangelists: The writers of the four gospels of the New Testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Here is the outline for next week:
Opening Prayer
Let us pray.
Lord, we give you thanks and praise for all the great things you have done for us.
Help us to live together as one family.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.

Lighting of the Candle.

Finding Sunday on the Circle of the Church Year.
Pass out Coloring Pages for readings.

Listening to the Word: Isaiah 25:6-10.
Moment of Silent Reflection.
• What will God do for the people?
• What kind of a feast will God provide?
• Why does Isaiah tell the people to rejoice and be glad?
Listening to the Word: Matthew 22:1-14
Moment of Silent Reflection.
• What happens to the first guests who are invited to the wedding banquet?
• Why does the king tell his servants to go and invite everyone they find to the banquet?
• Why does Jesus tell the story of the king and the wedding banquet?
Saint of the Day: St. Bruno
Father, You called Saint Bruno to serve You in solitude. In answer to his prayers help us to remain faithful to You amid the changes of this world. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.
Lesson on Chapter 8
Opening Prayer
Faith Focus
Activity to be named
Chapter Review
Chapter Closing Prayer
Blow out candle
If time permits, we will play the vocabulary game

Monday, September 22, 2008

Vocabulary to Learn From Lesons 1-3

Abba- The name that Jesus gave to God the Father that reveals the love and trust between God the Father and God the Son.

Adonai- The Hebrew word for "Lord" that the Jewish people us in place of YHWH the name for himself that God revealed to Moses.

Almighty- Having all power. Only God is Almighty.

attributes of God- Qualities of God that help us understand the mystery of God.

christ- a Greek work that translates the Hebrew word for 'messiah' which means annointed one.

Christ-a title for Jesus that helps us to understand that he is the Messiah who God promised to send to save his people.

eternal- always living without beginning or end

Gospel- the Good News of God's love revealed in the life, death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus.

Gospels-the first four books of the New Testament that pass on the faith of the Apostles and the early Church about the life, death, Resurrection, Ascension, and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Incarnation- from the Latin meaning "putting on flesh" to have a real body; the Son of God "putting on the flesh" or becoming human while retaining his divinity

inspiration of the Bible- The Holy Spirit guiding human writers of Sacred Scripture to faithfully and accurately communicate God's word.

Sacred Scripture- Two words the mean "holy writings" ; the writings that the Holy Spirit inspired the people of God to write and that have been collected by the Church in the Bible.

soul- The spiritual dimension of the human person that never dies, or is immortal

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Lesson 4: Death and Resurrection

Monday, September 29, 2008

Please read Chapter 7 before this class.

Here are some links to help you prepare:

Readings for this class:

Isaiah 5:1-7
Matthew 21:33-43

Saint of the Day: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael Archangels

Faith First Chapter Activity

Faith First Chapter Review: Choose Chapter 7 Grade 5

Here are the vocabulary words for Chapter 7:

Ascension: A word meaning "going up; the return of the Risen Christ in glory to his Father.
Israelites: The Old Testament people to whom God revealed himself and with whom he made the Covenant.
Paschal Mystery: The "passing over of Jesus from life through death into new and glorious life; the Passion, death, Resurrection, and glorious Ascension of Jesus.
Passover: The Jewish feast celebrating the sparing of the Hebrew children from death and the passage of God's people from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the land God promised them.
Resurrection: The event of Jesus being raised from the dead to a new and glorified life.

Opening Prayer
Let us pray.
God, our Creator, thank you for all the blessings of creation.
Help us to respect life and care for your kingdom.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.

Lighting of the Candle.

Finding Sunday on the Circle of the Church Year.
Pass out Coloring Pages for readings.

Listening to the Word: Isaiah 5:1-7.
Moment of Silent Reflection.
• How do caring actions spread God’s goodness?
• How can hurtful actions cause harm to others?
• How can you participate in caring actions at home and in school?

• In Isaiah’s story, what grows in the vineyard?
• Why does Isaiah warn the people of Israel?
• What does Isaiah tell the people about caring for God’s vineyard?

Listening to the Word: Matthew 21:33-43
Moment of Silent Reflection.
• What story does Jesus tell?
• How do the tenants treat the vineyard owner?
• What does Jesus teach about producing good fruit for God’s kingdom?

Saint of the Day: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael Archangels

Guardian Angel Prayer:

Angel of God, my guardian dear
To whom God’s love commits me here,
Ever this day be at my side
To light and guard, to rule and guide.

Lesson on Chapter 7

Opening Prayer
Faith Focus
Activity to be named
Chapter Review
Chapter Closing Prayer
Blow out candle

If time permits, we will play the vocabulary game

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Resources for Family Based Session 1: Lesson 3- Jesus the Son of God

Remember- do not come to class on September 22nd.
You are having your first At-Home family session this week.

A guide for the at-home family session on this theme was sent home with your child this week.

Fifth graders should read Chapter 6 to prepare for the family session.

Readings for September 28:
Ezekial 18:25-28
Matthew 21:28-32

Parents can get some background to start the discussion of the readings at:
Faith First Family Gospel Reflection
Catechist Lectionary Resources

These are the links to
Faith First Activities for Chapter 6

Review for Chapter 6
Students: Get 100% correct on the review and e-mail results to for a prize next class.

Have fun!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Lesson 2: The Bible, The Word of God 9/15/08

Before this class, you should have read Chapter 2 in your Grade 5 books.

Lectionary: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
Isaiah 55:6-9
Matthew 20:1-16

The theme for this Sunday is the Sacrament of Penance and God's forgiveness. Do you have something related to this theme for the altar? Bring it in.

Today's readings remind me of the disaster in Texas this weekend. What does God say about people who will not listen? What does God say about his mercy and second chances?

This is the link to the Faith First Activities for Chapter 2
This is the link to the Chapter Review Page. Choose Grade 5 Chapter 2. If you get 100% and email the results to, you'll win a prize!

Class Session Outline:
Opening Prayer:
Let us pray:
God of kindness and mercy, when we go astray, you always lead us back to you.
Help us remember your unconditional love.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.

Lighting of the Candle.

Finding Sunday on the Circle of the Church Year.
Pass out Coloring Pages for readings.

Listening to the Word: Isaiah 55.
Moment of Silent Reflection.
What does Isaiah tell the people about asking for God's forgiveness?
What will happen to those who return to God?
How is God's love described?
How is this like obeying the orders to evacuate from a hurricane?

Listening to the Word: Matthew 20.
Moment of Silent Reflection.
What is unconditional love?
Who are the people in your life that show you unconditional love?
What happens when we ask God for forgiveness?
How is this like when the first responders go into evacuation areas after the storm?

Saint of the Day: Our Lady of Sorrows
At the cross her station keeping,
Stood the mournful mother weeping,
Close to Jesus to the last.
Through her heart, his sorrow sharing,
All his bitter anguish bearing,
Now at length the sword has passed."

Chapter 2
Opening Prayer
Faith Focus
The Story of the Bible Books
Chapter Review
Chapter Closing Prayer

If time permits, we will play the vocabulary game.