Monday, September 15, 2008

Lesson 2: The Bible, The Word of God 9/15/08

Before this class, you should have read Chapter 2 in your Grade 5 books.

Lectionary: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
Isaiah 55:6-9
Matthew 20:1-16

The theme for this Sunday is the Sacrament of Penance and God's forgiveness. Do you have something related to this theme for the altar? Bring it in.

Today's readings remind me of the disaster in Texas this weekend. What does God say about people who will not listen? What does God say about his mercy and second chances?

This is the link to the Faith First Activities for Chapter 2
This is the link to the Chapter Review Page. Choose Grade 5 Chapter 2. If you get 100% and email the results to, you'll win a prize!

Class Session Outline:
Opening Prayer:
Let us pray:
God of kindness and mercy, when we go astray, you always lead us back to you.
Help us remember your unconditional love.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.

Lighting of the Candle.

Finding Sunday on the Circle of the Church Year.
Pass out Coloring Pages for readings.

Listening to the Word: Isaiah 55.
Moment of Silent Reflection.
What does Isaiah tell the people about asking for God's forgiveness?
What will happen to those who return to God?
How is God's love described?
How is this like obeying the orders to evacuate from a hurricane?

Listening to the Word: Matthew 20.
Moment of Silent Reflection.
What is unconditional love?
Who are the people in your life that show you unconditional love?
What happens when we ask God for forgiveness?
How is this like when the first responders go into evacuation areas after the storm?

Saint of the Day: Our Lady of Sorrows
At the cross her station keeping,
Stood the mournful mother weeping,
Close to Jesus to the last.
Through her heart, his sorrow sharing,
All his bitter anguish bearing,
Now at length the sword has passed."

Chapter 2
Opening Prayer
Faith Focus
The Story of the Bible Books
Chapter Review
Chapter Closing Prayer

If time permits, we will play the vocabulary game.

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