We covered pages 262-282 for the Holy Week/Easter cycle and had our Easter celebration.
We made these wreaths for your Easter decorations.
We took class pictures that Sue Sferra wanted potentially for the bulletin.
There was only one student in the class, but sometimes that is what God wants.
I have plenty of extra wreaths if you want your child to get one contact me- or see me after the 10:45 Mass on Palm Sunday or Easter.
Here are the photos of the project, the completed Lenten Jesse Tree, and the class picture.
No class April 6 or April 13th.
The next class (Aprill 20) we will be covering the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary and praying in St. Paul's outside rosary garden. The theme will be Trust in Jesus- Conservation of God's Great Gifts. We hope to get in some time with the vocabulary game. Maybe we'll try again for a class picture.
The last class will be April 27th. We will be taking the 5th grade progress test. This is not a test of your child- but instead an assessment of how well the St. Paul Faith Formation program is meeting it's goals. Please make a point of being there on that date. Here is a link to the Jeopardy Game Preview at the ACRE test site.