Saturday, October 18, 2008

Lesson 7: Baptism and Confirmation

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time: The Greatest Commandment
Opening Prayer:
Let us pray.
Loving God,
You sent Jesus to show us how to love you and one another.
Help us to follow your greatest commandment.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.

Lighting of the Candle

Circle of the Church Year

Exodus 22:20-26
Questions for Reflection
Who are the people most in need?
How are widows and orphans to be treated?
How are strangers to be treated?
How are the poor to be treated?

Matthew 22:34-40
"Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?"
He said to him,
"You shall love the Lord, your God,
with all your heart,
with all your soul,
and with all your mind.
This is the greatest and the first commandment.
Matthew 22:34-40
The second is like it:
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments."
Questions for Reflection
What question is asked of Jesus?
How does Jesus reply?
What are the two parts of the greatest commandment?
Today we are going to discuss two sacraments that help us live out the Greatest Commandments: Baptism and Confirmation
Through them we are strengthened to go out into the world to love and help others as ourselves
Saint of the Day:
St. Maria Bertilla Boscardin
As a small child, she was poor and afraid.
Her father drank too much alcohol and became violent
People laughed at her.
When she grew up, she joined the Sisters of St. Dorothy.
There she found that nursing children who were very ill and afraid was her greatest calling.
When soldiers took over the hospital in WWI, she stayed with the children even when there were airplanes dropping bombs
She died of after suffering many years with a painful tumor.
When she became a saint some of the children she had nursed were able to be present.

Prayer of St. Maria

Faith First® Legacy Edition Chapter 12, Grade 5

Chapter 12: Vocabulary

The Sacrament of Christian initiation in which we are first joined in Jesus Christ, become members of the Church, are reborn as God’s adopted children, receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and original sin and our personal sins are forgiven

One of the three oils blessed by the Church for to use in the celebration of the liturgy

The Sacrament of Christian Initiation that strengthens the graces of Baptism and in which our new life in Christ is sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 12 Summary

Closing Prayer

For Next Week: Read Chapter 9. Note the Lesson will be The Eucharist Part I: All Saints and the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit. We will also cover page 125 in Chapter 14.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fifth Graders Really Want to Read Chapter 12 this week!

Read Chapter 12!

Those who were here last week know the new prize system we have now.

We have Christian toys as grab bag goodies- mazes, fans, yo-yos, necklaces, rings, stampers, fake tatoos- you name it!

Before we go through the chapter, I give the chapter review quiz (which you can take on

Every time you guess the correct answer, I give you a plastic Bible verse coin.

At the end of the class, you can turn the coins in for these great prizes.

So read the chapter- you do not want to miss out!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lesson 6: The Church

Monday, October 13, 2008

Chapter 10
Isaiah 45:1, 4-6
Matthew 22:15-21

Saint of the Day: St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

Opening Prayer
Let us pray.
O God, You are the one true God.
Help us to put You first before everything else.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

Lighting of the Candle.

Finding Sunday on the Circle of the Church Year.
Pass out Coloring Pages for readings.

Listening to the Word: Isaiah 25:6-10.
Moment of Silent Reflection.
Who does God grant power to defeat his enemies?
• How does God show love for the people of Israel?
• What important message about the Lord God is given to the people?
In the gospel today listen to how the Pharisees try to trap Jesus.
Read Matthew 22:15-21.
Allow for silence.
• How do the Pharisees try to trap Jesus?
• Why do they present Jesus with a coin?
• What does Jesus tell the Pharisees about God?

Dear Saint Margaret Mary,
Permitted by the Sacred Heart of Jesus to become a caretaker of its divine treasures, obtain for us we ask you, from that adorable Heart, all the graces we need. We ask for them with boundless confidence. May the Divine Heart be willing to grant them to us through your intercession so that once again He may, through you, be glorified and loved. Amen

Review Chapter 10
Opening Prayer
Faith Focus
Activity to be named
Chapter Review
Chapter Closing Prayer
Blow out candle
If time permits, we will play the vocabulary game