Thursday, September 18, 2008

Lesson 4: Death and Resurrection

Monday, September 29, 2008

Please read Chapter 7 before this class.

Here are some links to help you prepare:

Readings for this class:

Isaiah 5:1-7
Matthew 21:33-43

Saint of the Day: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael Archangels

Faith First Chapter Activity

Faith First Chapter Review: Choose Chapter 7 Grade 5

Here are the vocabulary words for Chapter 7:

Ascension: A word meaning "going up; the return of the Risen Christ in glory to his Father.
Israelites: The Old Testament people to whom God revealed himself and with whom he made the Covenant.
Paschal Mystery: The "passing over of Jesus from life through death into new and glorious life; the Passion, death, Resurrection, and glorious Ascension of Jesus.
Passover: The Jewish feast celebrating the sparing of the Hebrew children from death and the passage of God's people from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the land God promised them.
Resurrection: The event of Jesus being raised from the dead to a new and glorified life.

Opening Prayer
Let us pray.
God, our Creator, thank you for all the blessings of creation.
Help us to respect life and care for your kingdom.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.

Lighting of the Candle.

Finding Sunday on the Circle of the Church Year.
Pass out Coloring Pages for readings.

Listening to the Word: Isaiah 5:1-7.
Moment of Silent Reflection.
• How do caring actions spread God’s goodness?
• How can hurtful actions cause harm to others?
• How can you participate in caring actions at home and in school?

• In Isaiah’s story, what grows in the vineyard?
• Why does Isaiah warn the people of Israel?
• What does Isaiah tell the people about caring for God’s vineyard?

Listening to the Word: Matthew 21:33-43
Moment of Silent Reflection.
• What story does Jesus tell?
• How do the tenants treat the vineyard owner?
• What does Jesus teach about producing good fruit for God’s kingdom?

Saint of the Day: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael Archangels

Guardian Angel Prayer:

Angel of God, my guardian dear
To whom God’s love commits me here,
Ever this day be at my side
To light and guard, to rule and guide.

Lesson on Chapter 7

Opening Prayer
Faith Focus
Activity to be named
Chapter Review
Chapter Closing Prayer
Blow out candle

If time permits, we will play the vocabulary game

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