Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lesson 5: The Holy Spirit

Monday, October 6, 2008
Please read Chapter 8 before this class.
Here are some links to help you prepare:
Readings for this class:
Isaiah 25:6-10
Matthew 22:1-14

Saint of the Day: St. Bruno

Faith First Chapter Activity

Faith First Chapter Review: Choose Chapter 8 Grade 5
Remember: E-mail your results to and win a prize!

Here are the vocabulary words for Chapter 8:
Advocate: Title or name for Holy Spirit which means, “one who is on our side” or “one who speaks for us”.
charisms: Graces or gifts given by the Holy Spirit to build up the Church on earth for the good of all people and the needs of the world.
evangelist: A word meaning “one who announces good news”.
Evangelists: The writers of the four gospels of the New Testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Here is the outline for next week:
Opening Prayer
Let us pray.
Lord, we give you thanks and praise for all the great things you have done for us.
Help us to live together as one family.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.

Lighting of the Candle.

Finding Sunday on the Circle of the Church Year.
Pass out Coloring Pages for readings.

Listening to the Word: Isaiah 25:6-10.
Moment of Silent Reflection.
• What will God do for the people?
• What kind of a feast will God provide?
• Why does Isaiah tell the people to rejoice and be glad?
Listening to the Word: Matthew 22:1-14
Moment of Silent Reflection.
• What happens to the first guests who are invited to the wedding banquet?
• Why does the king tell his servants to go and invite everyone they find to the banquet?
• Why does Jesus tell the story of the king and the wedding banquet?
Saint of the Day: St. Bruno
Father, You called Saint Bruno to serve You in solitude. In answer to his prayers help us to remain faithful to You amid the changes of this world. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.
Lesson on Chapter 8
Opening Prayer
Faith Focus
Activity to be named
Chapter Review
Chapter Closing Prayer
Blow out candle
If time permits, we will play the vocabulary game

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